
药剂技术员vs. 药剂师


药剂技术员vs. 药剂师

对很多美国人来说, access to affordable prescription drugs can be the difference between living a relatively normal life and living with restrictive health complications. Pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed to treat many health issues — and skilled professionals are needed to accurately process prescriptions, 选择正确的剂量, and explain to patients important information such as interactions and side-effects.

药剂师和药学技术人员都有助于履行这一职责, 但责任和教育程度不同. Understanding completely how 药学技术人员s and pharmacists differ in their day-to-day duties can help those interested in choosing a pharmacy career path.


药学技术人员在持牌药剂师的监督下工作, 协助完成药房日常运作的各种任务. 药学技术人员 help pharmacists provide efficient and effective pharmacy services, making sure patients receive the medications they need while adhering to regulatory standards.

药学技术人员最常在药房和药店工作. 它们也可以在其他环境中发挥作用管理是必要的, 比如养老院, 医院, and pharmaceutical manufacturing settings where they may perform duties such as compounding medications.


The primary responsibility of a 药学技术人员 is preparing prescriptions for patients. This includes selecting the right drug in the right qualities as prescribed to the patient, 如剂量强度, 质量, 以及药物的形式. Pharmacy techs are also responsible for confirming information regarding prescription refill requests and insurance, 经常与病人一起寻找最好的折扣或价格调整.

药房技术人员经常与病人互动,这是他们工作的一部分. 他们有责任回答有关药物的任何问题, 告知患者任何相互作用或副作用, 以及如何服药才能最有效. 他们也可以协助行政方面的工作, 例如确保充分的库存和补充库存, 接听Phone, 向病人询问他们的续药情况, 并帮助培训新员工. 


药学技术人员必须有混合药剂, 行政, 并有客户支持经验履行职责. To ensure 质量 service, here are a few skills pharmacy techs should seek to establish.

  • 医药知识. 药学技术人员 must have a comprehensive understanding of medication properties to answer patient questions, 准确填写处方单, 合成或制造定制药物.
  • 客户服务. Many patients look to 药学技术人员s for guidance and assistance involving their medication. Understanding how to interact with patients and provide them with the best care quickly and effectively is crucial. It is a key aspect of maintaining a good workflow while getting patients the medications they need, 回答简单的处方相关问题, and seeking the supervising pharmacist to provide more elaborate consultation if needed.
  • 详细的方向. 药学技术人员一天要处理几十种药物. 确保正确的药物最终到达正确的地方对这个职业至关重要. Mistakes can have dangerous consequences for patients if an error is made in selecting and distributing their medication.
  • 组织技能. 药学技术人员有几个职责需要管理, 包括遵照主治医生的指示, 协助病人, 保持准确的库存, 帮助配药. 通过练习良好的组织能力, 药学技术人员可以在保持效率的同时更好地进行多任务处理.


而药学技术人员的职位与. 药剂师负责类似领域, 药剂师处于主导地位,能够独立工作. 药剂师在开处方时要确保病人的健康和安全, 确保工作场所和所有药房服务保持监管标准. 药剂师s are required to have a doctoral degree and they must pass multiple exams before they can become licensed.

药剂师经常在医院和流动医疗服务机构工作, 药店和药店也有. 药剂师s working in a clinical or consultant capacity may be part of an interdisciplinary care team, working with physicians to advise on medication options that will best treat a patient’s condition.


药剂师与药学技术人员分担许多相同的责任, 但药剂师通常在没有监督的情况下工作. 药剂师s are also responsible for filling prescriptions in accord with a patient’s healthcare provider and providing expert consultation about drugs. Alongside advice about medication, pharmacists are also able to offer general health consultations. Additionally, pharmacists are able to administer immunizations or other shots to patients. 

作为团队的领导者, pharmacists are also responsible for overseeing and training their team of 药学技术人员s.


因为他们是工作场所的领导者, 药剂师需要稍微不同的技能来完成他们的工作. 虽然药剂师应该培养许多与药学技术人员相同的技能, 这里有一些药剂师应该建立的额外技能.

  • 沟通技巧. 药剂师s need to accurately and efficiently relay information both to their team as well as to any physicians while working with a patient. They also need to relay important information to patients regarding any medications.
  • 领导能力. 作为药房的领导者, pharmacists who have a team need to direct technicians as priorities shift during the day. 药剂师有责任让他们的团队保持动力和一致.


药房技术员和医生的一个主要区别是. 药剂师是每个职位所需要的教育. 药剂师需要药学博士学位, which can take at least four years after earning the relevant prerequisite education. 药学技术人员, 另一方面, 能在富通这样的学校完成培训英国正版365官方网站吗, 这些通常可以在一年或更短的时间内完成.  因为他们需要较少的培训, 药学技术人员s can begin their career journey at a quicker pace than pharmacists. 

药学技术人员 can also only provide assistance and answer simple questions regarding prescriptions. 否则,他们需要药剂师的帮助. 在一般情况下, pharmacists have a larger degree of autonomy and are able to work without supervision, 而药房技术人员总是需要有执照的药剂师的监督.

药剂技术员vs. 药剂师:工作前景

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), employment openings for pharmacists are projected to grow 3% between 2022 and 2032, 这与美国的预测大致相同.S. 整个就业市场.

The BLS expects 药学技术人员s to have a better-than-average 6%  job growth over the same time period. 劳工统计局表示,这种强劲的就业增长是由多种因素造成的. These include the ability of pharmacy techs to help cover aspects of the traditional pharmacist role, as many pharmacists are expected to transition from retail pharmacy positions to more expanded clinical or consulting roles.


虽然这两种职业都是进入制药领域的绝佳途径, 要问的一个关键问题是,开始一名药学技术人员可能需要多长时间. 药剂师职业. For those who would like to earn experience on the job without spending years in education first, 的好处是值得考虑的 富通药房技术员培训计划.

This training program offers the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of pharmacy work, 包括如何高效有效地配药, 提供优质的客户服务, 并准确地导航保险支付. 在专业教师和动手学习环境的帮助下, this program can be a great way to begin your pharmaceutical career…to test the waters and see how you like this career path without years of up-front educational investment.



事实上,“药剂技师vs .药剂师”. 药剂师:4个关键区别”
U.S. 劳工统计局,药剂师
U.S. 劳工统计局,药学技师